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Researchers are only just starting to understand the critical role of native U.S. predator species in the functioning of ecosystems. A recent study by Oregon State University, for example, found that large predators such as coyotes, bears, wolves and mountain lions help to maintain native plant communities by keeping large herbivore populations in check, contributing to the health of forests, streams, fisheries and other wildlife.

Date created: May 21, 2013
Last updated: October 1, 2020

Dr. Naomi Rose of AWI attended the launch of a new coalition called Dolphinaria-Free Europe (DFE), on March 4, at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. Comprised of more than a dozen nonprofit animal charities, DFE seeks to end the display of captive whales and dolphins in the European Union, through science, public outreach, policy change, and the establishment of retirement sanctuaries.

Date created: May 29, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

A team of scientists has developed an advanced computer algorithm that can predict the toxicity of new chemicals better than standard animal tests.

Date created: September 14, 2018
Last updated: September 18, 2018
Many food labels are confusing—and some downright misleading—especially with regard to animal welfare claims. To help navigate the confusion, the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has released A Consumer’s Guide to Food Labels and Animal Welfare. The new guide aims to help consumers who purchase meat, dairy and eggs interpret the meaning of label claims and locate products from animals who were humanely raised and handled.
Date created: August 14, 2012
Last updated: February 2, 2022
The recent release of “Long Gone Wild,” a riveting documentary revealing the brutal truth about the ongoing trade in wild-caught orcas, highlights the intensifying controversy over confining cetaceans to barren concrete boxes in marine theme parks.
Date created: July 19, 2019
Last updated: February 7, 2022
Today, the Trump administration released final regulations to gut critical Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections, just months after a UN report warned of “unprecedented” and “accelerating” global mass extinctions caused by human activity.
Date created: August 12, 2019
Last updated: January 18, 2024

The US Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service have released new Endangered Species Act regulations that reinstate some critical protections for imperiled species and their habitats, yet fail to reverse many of the dang

Date created: June 24, 2024
Last updated: June 28, 2024

Researchers from Stony Brook University, Florida International University, and BLOOM Association in Hong Kong have developed what they call a “reliable, field-based, fast … and cost effective” protocol for detecting, in a single reaction, nine of

Date created: April 8, 2019
Last updated: April 8, 2019
Today, the Council of the District of Columbia voted unanimously to pass the Healthy Students Amendment Act of 2018, which codifies into law the District’s implementation of the Good Food Purchasing Program (GFPP). The program, a brainchild of the Los Angeles Food Policy Council and the Center for Good Food Purchasing, prioritizes sustainability, local economies and animal welfare.
Date created: December 4, 2018
Last updated: February 7, 2022
The Animal Welfare Approved standards prohibit cruel conditions and practices that other labels allow. The animals breathe fresh, clean air, instead of fumes from their own waste and grow naturally without pain and deformities caused by unnatural breeding for fast growth.
Date created: January 21, 2009
Last updated: February 2, 2022

Governor Maggie Hassan is poised as we go to press to sign HB 1410, making New Hampshire the 27th state to allow courts to include pets in protection orders. What sets the New Hampshire bill apart from most other laws is that it covers livestock.

Date created: August 22, 2014
Last updated: January 8, 2020
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department today withdrew a proposed administrative rule that would have allowed bobcat hunting and trapping in the state for the first time since 1989.
Date created: April 13, 2016
Last updated: February 2, 2022
… Forest Bird Recovery Project The Hawaiian Islands are full of astounding beauty and an incredible diversity of plants, insects, and birds. Most people picture the islands—one of the most isolated archipelagoes in the world—as a tropical …
Date created: June 14, 2022
Last updated: June 24, 2022
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) and the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) applaud today’s introduction of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Protection Act of 2022, which—if passed—would represent the most meaningful update to federal law governing wild equine management in more than 50 years.
Date created: October 7, 2022
Last updated: January 31, 2024

A historic win for equine welfare was achieved in May when the US Department of Agriculture finalized long-awaited Horse Protection Act (HPA) regulations to protect Tennessee walking horses from the brutal practice of horse soring—whereby horses a

Date created: June 24, 2024
Last updated: June 28, 2024

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has published its first-ever set of guidelines for the humane slaughter of mammals and birds. In it, the AVMA addresses several recommendations offered by AWI, including those questioning the humaneness of low-voltage electrical stunning of poultry.

Date created: September 19, 2016
Last updated: January 15, 2020
A massive fire at Red Bird Egg Farm in Pilesgrove, NJ, Monday night killed an estimated 280,000 egg-laying hens, marking one of the most devastating barn fires in the United States this year.
Date created: July 21, 2020
Last updated: January 18, 2024

This summer, New Jersey and New York, two states that represent key ports of entry into the United States for consumer goods (and wildlife trafficking), passed laws to help stem the illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn.

Date created: December 11, 2014
Last updated: April 24, 2024

The New Jersey legislature passed Nosey’s Law (S1093) to ban the use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment in traveling animal acts. If, as expected, the bill is signed by Gov.

Date created: December 21, 2018
Last updated: April 17, 2024

After a years-long effort by animal advocates, dog fighting is now an offense under New Jersey’s racketeering statute. The new law (S 736) creates two new crimes: “dog fighting,” which has also been added to the list of offenses under the state’s anti-racketeering law, and “leader of a dog fighting network.”

Date created: December 31, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

New Jersey has been free of steel-jaw leghold traps since 1985—one year after the state legislature banned the possession, use, manufacture, sale, importation, or transport of all leghold traps. AWI and other animal advocates had worked for years to educate residents on the dangers and suffering associated with these traps, including that the traps can break animals’ bones and that some animals held in the vise-like grip chew off the trapped limbs to escape on three legs.

Date created: March 6, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) and the Humane Farming Association commend today’s introduction of the Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Farm Animals Act (H.R. 243) led by Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN).
Date created: January 10, 2023
Last updated: January 11, 2023
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) unveiled a new publication entitled “Representing Domestic Violence Survivors with Pets in Ohio: A Manual for Domestic Violence Attorneys & Advocates Helping Survivors Obtain Protection Orders.” The manual is designed to enable attorneys and advocates in Ohio to better assist pet-owning domestic violence survivors. It offers a step-by-step approach to simplify the inclusion of pets in protection orders, allowing survivors to take control of their lives and escape abuse along with their pets.
Date created: September 10, 2018
Last updated: February 7, 2022
A number of procedures have been developed and implemented in recent years that widen the range of methodological options for conducting experiments with nonhuman primates by obviating the need for chronic surgical implantation of catheters. Blood pressure (BP) measurement In animal studies, and in nonhuman primates in particular. has been conducted almost exclusively through the use of chronic indwelling catheters connected to external transducers. In such a system. a heparinized fluid-filled catheter is surgically inserted during anesthesia into a large artery or directly into the ventricle and tunneled subcutaneously to an exit site. The catheter is then protected from the awake animal either through the use of restraint chairs or, more recently, by use of harness-tether or harness-telemetry systems.
Date created: May 11, 2016
Last updated: November 11, 2020

On February 23, the Silver City, NM town council unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the state to ban steel-jaw leghold traps, strangling snares and other painful body-gripping traps on public lands.

Date created: July 9, 2010
Last updated: May 2, 2022