The following out-of-print publications are presented here for historical purposes. These items are not sold through our online store but may be available on request while supplies last. To obtain copies of these publications, use the links below or contact us at (202) 337-2332.

Alternative Traps: The Role of Cage and Box Traps in Modern Trapping, The Role of Legsnares in Modern Trapping, and The Role of Spring Powered Killing Traps in Modern Trapping
Review of alternatives to steel-jaw leghold traps and their animal welfare implications; by Tom Garrett (revised edition, 1999), 51 pages.

Animals, Nature and Albert Schweitzer
Collection of Albert Schweitzer writings exploring the development of his philosophy of treating all living things with reverence; editing and commentary by Ann Cottrell Free (The Flying Fox Press, AWI Special Edition, 1988), 81 pages.

Animal Welfare Institute: Information Report and AWI Quarterly Compilation
Two-volume set offering a unique compendium of the first 50 years of AWI’s work for animals; 1,800 pages.

AWI: Commemorating 50 Years
This 16-page issue shows our five decades of accomplishments, and the monumental amount of new work for us to do.

Concentration Camps for Dogs
Description of the conditions and suffering animals endured on the premises of an amoral dog dealer in Maryland; reprint from Life magazine, 1966, 8 pages.

Crimes Without Consequences: The Enforcement of Humane Slaughter Laws in the United States
Comprehensive analysis of the level of enforcement of humane slaughter laws from 2002–2007 at state, federal and foreign slaughterhouses, 2008, 143 pages.

Cull Of The Wild: A Contemporary Analysis of Wildlife Trapping in the United States
Analysis of trapping activity, methods, research, and public policy in the United States; by Camilla Fox (Animal Protection Institute, 2004), 222 pages.

Endangered Species Handbook
A full PDF of AWI's Endangered Species Handbook (revised edition, 2005).

Factory Farming: The Experiment that Failed (Volume I and II)
Compilation of AWI Quarterly articles showing intensive rearing of calves, sows and hens and practical alternative methods, Volume I, 1987, 86 pages; Volume II, 2008, 158 pages.

Humanewashed: USDA Process Verified Program Misleads Consumers About Animal Welfare Marketing Claims
Examination of how the Process Verified Program allows conventional producers to imply that the USDA has verified their farm animal welfare marketing claims, 2012, 13 pages.

Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the US Meat Industry
Investigation into America’s slaughterhouses and the human and animal suffering that occurs within; by Gail A. Eisnitz (Prometheus Books, 1997), hardcover, 301 pages.

The Animal Dealers: Evidence of Abuse of Animals in the Commercial Trade 1952-1997
A shocking exposé of cruelty, fraud and negligence in the trade of dogs, cats, primates, birds and reptiles, 1997, 430 pages.

The Case Against Random Source Dog and Cat Dealers
Report submitted to the House Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry in support of the Pet Safety and Protection Act of 1996, 63 pages.

Trapping Agony
The views of Charles Darwin on the cruelty of the steel-jaw leghold trap, reprinted from Defenders magazine, 1 page.

What Is the Real Price of a Fur Coat?
Outlines the inhumane process involved in obtaining wild furs, 4 pages.