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In early April, the US National Marine Fisheries Service proposed designating the Sakhalin Bay-Amur River population of beluga whales in Russia as “depleted” under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA).

Date created: July 5, 2016
Last updated: January 15, 2020

Since early 2022, countries around the world have felt the impacts of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak that has threatened wild bird populations and decimated domestic poultry flocks on an unprecedented scale.

Date created: August 30, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2023

In January, AWI submitted a petition for policy change in response to the US Department of Agriculture’s consistent failure to respond to animal welf

Date created: April 4, 2023
Last updated: April 7, 2023

AWI and Defenders of Wildlife filed a petition on May 28 with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to list the Northwest Atlantic population of the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Date created: September 18, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has submitted a petition to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) requesting that the agency write regulations designed to decrease the needless suffering of animals during slaughter. AWI is asking that FSIS require all slaughter establishments to create and implement a comprehensive, written animal handling plan.
Date created: June 4, 2013
Last updated: February 2, 2022

AWI and a number of conservation and wildlife organizations formally petitioned the USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services program and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture in June for an immediate ban on the use of M-44 cyanide devices in Wyoming.

Date created: September 1, 2017
Last updated: October 15, 2020

Animal Welfare Institute Policy on Research and Testing with Animals

Research must not be conducted on animals unless, at minimum, the methodology fulfills the three "Rs" of Russell and Burch, including the following:

Date created: September 26, 2011
Last updated: August 26, 2024

The 69th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC69) will take place in Lima, Peru, this September.

Date created: September 4, 2024
Last updated: September 13, 2024

AWI’s Melissa Liszewski presented research on hen welfare at the 46th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), held in Vienna, Austria, from July 31 to August 4.

Date created: December 4, 2012
Last updated: January 16, 2020
On Friday, February 4, Animal Welfare Institute President Cathy Liss will give a presentation entitled “Informing Policy: The Responsibility of Scientists Conducting Research on Animals” at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington, Virginia.
Date created: January 18, 2011
Last updated: February 2, 2022

The appropriations process offers an opportunity to press for policies that can be implemented by providing or withholding funds for agency activities. On this front, AWI has been working to ensure that any funding increase for the Department of the Interior under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act be used solely for humane, on-the-range management methods such as immunocontraception—and not for unnecessary roundup of wild equines.

Date created: June 2, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

The 69th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), held November 27 to December 1, 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland, featured more than 600 registered p

Date created: March 23, 2018
Last updated: April 24, 2024

Food poisoning. We’ve all experienced it. A few hours after enjoying a meal, you suddenly find yourself vomiting—or worse.

Date created: April 4, 2023
Last updated: October 6, 2023

In February, in what is being described as one of the worst ecological disasters in Israel’s history, a massive oil spill in the Mediterranean Sea caused hundreds of tons of tar to wash ashore along approximately 118 miles of the Israeli coastline

Date created: June 9, 2021
Last updated: January 18, 2024

New state-specific manuals compiled by attorneys working with AWI will help lawyers and advocates for domestic violence survivors to utilize protection orders on behalf of their clients’ companion animals.

Date created: March 6, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

In March, AWI staff led efforts on several animal protection measures before the Illinois General Assembly. HB 1607—a bill to prohibit tail docking of cattle, the inhumane practice of partially amputating the animals' tails—was approved by the House Business and Occupational Licenses Committee.

Date created: May 4, 2012
Last updated: January 16, 2020

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recently took comments on their proposed new edition of Standards on Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities.

Date created: August 22, 2014
Last updated: January 8, 2020
The AWI Quarterly Archive includes digital copies of all AWI Quarterly issues since Winter 2002. For earlier archives, see our 50th Anniversary Set.
Date created: June 27, 2011
Last updated: September 16, 2024

AWI was joined by local whale advocates in Portland, Maine, on May 31, 2013, to protest Iceland’s expanding commercial whaling program and plan to resume fin whaling.

Date created: August 23, 2013
Last updated: January 15, 2020
In a letter delivered today to the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) urged the industry group to improve its welfare standards for dairy cattle to better meet consumer expectations of products from animals.
Date created: August 4, 2022
Last updated: August 25, 2022
… Each year, AWI awards several Refinement Grants to investigators in the United States and … that impact an animal’s environment and welfare. … AWI Refinement Grant Winners Announced …
Date created: December 17, 2020
Last updated: December 17, 2020
… DC —The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) recently awarded Refinement Grants to four individuals who are developing or … $10,000 to develop and demonstrate innovative methods of refinement to the housing or care of animals in research to … blood draws.  Applications for the 2023 Refinement grant cycle will be available starting in August. … AWI …
Date created: November 28, 2022
Last updated: November 28, 2022

The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) offers awards of up to US$15,000 to develop and test innovative methods of refinement to the care, husbandry, or housing of animals in research to improve their welfare.

Date created: July 25, 2014
Last updated: August 12, 2024

In early 2008, a slaughterhouse investigation revealed multiple incidents of egregious cruelty to cattle at the Westland-Hallmark Meat Packing Co.

Date created: June 17, 2020
Last updated: July 13, 2020

A new report by AWI, Project Coyote, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) entitled Indiana Coyote ­“Penning”: An Inside Look at Animal Abuse and Cruelty details the results of an investigation of an Indiana penning facility, uncovering extreme animal suffering and providing strong evidence that wild coyotes are being illegally confined and killed by hunting dogs.

Date created: December 10, 2013
Last updated: January 15, 2020