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Over three years ago, 14-year-old Canyon Mansfield and his dog, Kasey, stumbled upon an M-44 “cyanide bomb” while playing near the family’s backyard outside Pocatello, Idaho. The spring-activated device sprays sodium cyanide.

Date created: September 3, 2020
Last updated: September 3, 2020
Loganton, Pennsylvania, a tiny one-square-mile Amish farming community, is home to 468 residents and 15 USDA-licensed guinea pig breeders. While this may suggest the community has a fondness for these animals, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) record of some of these breeders tells a very different story. The suffering of guinea pigs at these facilities exemplifies the USDA’s most recent failure to uphold the basic tenets of the AWA.
Date created: December 17, 2020
Last updated: May 14, 2021

Millions of animals are exported from the United States annually—over 7.5 million animals in January 2015 alone. Most are shipped in aircrafts, but many are transported overseas in ocean vessels. These trips may last weeks and animals can suffer greatly from inadequate ventilation, loud noises, motion sickness, and heat stress—all of which increase susceptibility to illness and disease.

Date created: June 1, 2015
Last updated: January 9, 2020

The Food and Drug Administration and the US Department of Agriculture recently announced a formal agreement to jointly regulate cell-cultured meat and poultry products.

Date created: July 1, 2019
Last updated: July 1, 2019

When the Biden administration issued an executive order on promoting competition in the American economy in July 2021, AWI responded by urging the US Department of Agriculture to address deceptive label claims as part of its effort to facilitate f

Date created: August 30, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2023
The US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today that it will soon take steps to improve its label approval program for meat and poultry products to avoid misleading consumers.
Date created: June 13, 2023
Last updated: June 14, 2023

The Horse Protection Act (HPA) was passed in 1970 to clamp down on the practice of soring (intentionally injuring horses’ legs and hooves) to create a more high-stepping gait for walking horse shows.

Date created: January 3, 2022
Last updated: April 17, 2024

International transport of farm animals by sea vessel is a major animal welfare issue, particularly for long-distance journeys, such as those taken by cattle and sheep from Europe and Australia to the Middle East and North Africa.

Date created: September 26, 2018
Last updated: September 26, 2018

The USDA has amended regulations designed to reduce the suffering of horses transported for slaughter so as to include horses who are first transported to intermediate collection points.

Date created: December 6, 2011
Last updated: April 24, 2024

At a slaughterhouse in Pennsylvania last year, an employee made three attempts to render a pig unconscious with a rifle, with the animal vocalizing after each shot to the head.

Date created: June 26, 2017
Last updated: June 26, 2017

In November, the US Department of Agriculture published a final rule establishing animal welfare standards for the millions of animals raised on organic farms.

Date created: December 15, 2023
Last updated: December 22, 2023

On May 20, the Obama Administration pledged to fully enforce the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). Not a minute too soon, it turns out.

Date created: September 7, 2010
Last updated: January 9, 2020

For years, US Department of Agriculture inspectors dutifully documented suffering: Chinchillas with eyes swollen, weeping, and sealed shut; a thin, unresponsive chinchilla, missing part of her leg, brutally “euthanized” by breaking her neck; anoth

Date created: January 3, 2022
Last updated: January 3, 2022
A new report reveals the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is failing to verify the accuracy of label claims on meat and poultry products sold in the United States. Released by the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) today, Label Confusion: How “Humane” And “Sustainable” Claims On Meat Packages Deceive Consumers exposes the lack of any apparent verification of food label claims used on millions of meat packages, and calls on USDA to require independent third-party certification to prevent consumers from being misled.
Date created: May 12, 2014
Last updated: February 2, 2022

In the Winter 2014 AWI Quarterly, AWI reported that the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) had proposed changing the poultry slaughter regulations to allow poultry companies to accelerate their slaughter process by 25 percent, increasing the likelihood of inhumane handling of birds.

Date created: December 10, 2014
Last updated: December 4, 2019

Vanderbilt University had been fined over $8,000 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for violations of the Animal Welfare Act in connection with three incidents of animal deaths at a university research facility.

Date created: November 8, 2010
Last updated: December 6, 2019
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) today requested a USDA Inspector General audit of the USDA Process Verified Program, which certifies some products as “humanely raised” when in fact they come from animals suffering on conventional, industrial farming operations.
Date created: May 17, 2012
Last updated: February 2, 2022
The US Department of Agriculture’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report highlighting serious shortcomings in enforcement of the Horse Protection Act—shortcomings that have permitted widespread abuse of show horses. The law, first passed in 1970 and amended in 1976, was intended to prevent the "soring" of Tennessee Walking Horses and other gaited breeds—a process where injuries are inflicted on the horses’ legs and hooves to produce an exaggerated gait known as "the big lick."
Date created: November 4, 2010
Last updated: February 2, 2022

The Des Moines Register published an editorial on November 13, 2016, entitled “Why won’t the USDA shut down this serial animal abuser?” The paper of record for the state of Iowa—one of the biggest puppy mill states—was referring to dog breeder Gar

Date created: March 23, 2018
Last updated: January 15, 2020

The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announced in September that it had launched a new exploratory sampling program to assess the accuracy of “no antibiotic” marketing claims for beef products.

Date created: December 15, 2023
Last updated: December 22, 2023

What will it take for the US Department of Agriculture and local law enforcement to take bird abandonment seriously? Apparently, five incidents resulting in the death of over 20,000 birds at one facility alone is not enough.

Date created: January 3, 2022
Last updated: January 3, 2022
The disturbing pictures included with this article, taken by a US Department of Agriculture inspector in 2017, are worth far more than a thousand words. And Moulton Chinchilla Ranch (MCR)—a licensed dealer supplying chinchillas for experimentation (see AWI Quarterly, summer 2020)—knows it.
Date created: September 3, 2020
Last updated: May 14, 2021
Yesterday, the US Department of Agriculture announced plans to publish the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards final rule.
Date created: October 26, 2023
Last updated: September 6, 2024

The US Department of Agriculture recently proposed several changes to the process of slaughtering pigs, including allowing slaughterhouses to operate without any limits on the speed of the line.

Date created: June 29, 2018
Last updated: June 29, 2018

The US Department of Agriculture is soliciting public comment on a discredited idea that would undermine the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) by putting animals at the mercy of the industries that exploit them.

Date created: March 23, 2018
Last updated: October 15, 2020