
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


AWI Awards Schweitzer Medal to Jennifer Lonsdale

During the 68 th meeting of the International Whaling Commission , AWI awarded the Schweitzer Medal to Jennifer Lonsdale in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the advancement of animal welfare. IWC chair Andrej Bibič...

Legislators Urge Rule Revisions for Right Whales

Vessel collisions are one of the main threats facing critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, of which only an estimated 340 remain. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) led a letter from...

The Swordfish Hunters

Thomas Armbruster / SandyHook SeaLife Foundation / 310 pages In The Swordfish Hunters: The Life, Death and Future of Xiphius gladius, marine biologist and physician Dr. Thomas Armbruster recounts in vivid detail his time spent...

Invasive Whale Study Fails—Again

For the second year in a row, researchers from the United States and Norway failed to measure a whale’s brain waves to determine how they might react to naval sonar and noise from oil and...

New Welfare Certification for Farmed Fish

This summer, the nonprofit animal welfare certification program Global Animal Partnership (GAP) debuted standards for farmed Atlantic salmon. As with other GAP animal welfare standards, the salmon standards are a series of “step levels” representing...

Our Great National Parks

During his time in office, Barack Obama protected more natural habitat than any president in history. His conservation ethos is on full display in Our Great National Parks, a Netflix docuseries he hosts. Through compelling...