
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Vaquita’s Fate Hinges on End to Illegal Fishing

Fewer than 10 vaquita porpoises remain in Mexico’s Upper Gulf of California. Yet, calves were observed during a 2021 survey, and new evidence, published in Science , indicates that the vaquita’s historical rarity reduces inbreeding...

Ocean Noise Study Targets More Minkes

In June 2021, a dubious US government–funded attempt to study minke whales’ response to ocean noise began in the northern Norway region of Lofoten. ( See AWI Quarterly , summer 2021. ) It involves stretching...

We Are All Whalers

With We Are All Whalers: The Plight of Whales and Our Responsibility, Dr. Michael Moore proves definitively that he is no ivory tower scientist. He speaks with passion about his decades-long research on whales and...

Living Planet

In Living Planet: The Web of Life on Earth—a fully updated edition of Sir David Attenborough’s 1984 book that accompanied the BBC’s Living Planet documentary series—the famed naturalist takes readers on a journey through the...

From Bad to Worse at Miami Seaquarium

In September 2021, a damning inspection report prepared by the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) was released for Miami Seaquarium. (See AWI Quarterly , winter 2021 .) The report...

Kazakhstan Will Phase Out Captive Dolphin Displays

Yet another country has concluded that keeping cetaceans in captivity for human entertainment is an archaic practice that should end. After a two-year effort by activists in Kazakhstan, as well as international efforts by AWI...

Iceland’s Lone Fin Whaler Prepares to Strike Again

Hvalur, Iceland’s sole remaining fin whaling company, announced in March that it intends to resume hunting this summer for the first time since 2018. Its two aging whaling vessels are currently being prepared, and the...

Hawaii First US State to Ban Shark Fishing

On January 1, Hawaii became the first US state to make shark fishing illegal. The law bans anyone from knowingly capturing, entangling, or killing any shark species in the state’s marine waters. There are certain...