AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Hearing Held on Big Cat Public Safety Act

The Big Cat Public Safety Act (HR 263/S 1210) received a hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee on May 12. This bill would prohibit private ownership of big cats and outlaw direct public contact...

Ohio: Efforts to Curtail Cruel Puppy Mill Practices

In the last eight years, the number of puppy mills in Ohio has increased fourfold—a consequence of the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) relaxing its regulation of these entities. To make matters worse, a shocking...

Advocating Animal-Friendly Appropriations

During a key stage of the fiscal year 2023 appropriations cycle, members of Congress consider spending requests from individuals and groups. In the House of Representatives, where that part of the process has concluded, several...

Effort to End Killing Contests on Public Lands

In April, the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act (HR 7398) was introduced in the House by Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) to bar organizing, sponsoring, conducting, or participating in most types of wildlife killing contests on...

Bill Seeks Ban on Wild Horse Helicopter Roundups

Earlier this year, footage of a Bureau of Land Management roundup in Nevada captured a horrifying and tragic incident where a young colt’s leg snapped in half as he was being relentlessly chased by a...

Congress Requests Briefing on Bird Mistreatment at Slaughter

After years of monitoring records generated by US Department of Agriculture inspectors that document horrific mistreatment of birds inside poultry slaughter plants, AWI is lobbying Congress to require increased oversight of bird handling at slaughter...

Court Restores Federal Protections for Gray Wolves

In a much-needed win for gray wolves, a federal court recently scrapped a rule issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2020 that removed Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections from wolves across most...