AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Progress for Animals Achieved in State Legislatures

Two AWI-supported state bills recently became law and another is on the cusp. In March, Governor Eric Holcomb of Indiana signed HB 1248 into law, prohibiting public contact with lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards, jaguars...

Animal Welfare Wins and Whiffs in Omnibus Spending Bill

Program oversight With nearly half the fiscal year over, Congress finally finished work on the fiscal year 2022 spending bills. The good news is that they contain several important provisions aimed at improving animal welfare...

Hawaii First US State to Ban Shark Fishing

On January 1, Hawaii became the first US state to make shark fishing illegal. The law bans anyone from knowingly capturing, entangling, or killing any shark species in the state’s marine waters. There are certain...

Building Back a Better Climate

This is part two of a two-part series. In our previous issue , we described the devastating impacts that a warming planet is having on wildlife and its habitat. Here, we examine initiatives the Biden...

Seeking Greater Oversight of Mink Fur Farms

As part of its coronavirus relief package, Congress gave the US Department of Agriculture $300 million to monitor susceptible wild and domestic animals for the presence of COVID-19. Over the summer, the department proposed a...

USDA Fails to Respond Swiftly to Animal Suffering

For years, US Department of Agriculture inspectors dutifully documented suffering: Chinchillas with eyes swollen, weeping, and sealed shut; a thin, unresponsive chinchilla, missing part of her leg, brutally “euthanized” by breaking her neck; another with...

Biden Administration Suspends ANWR Leases

The Biden administration announced in June that it would suspend all leases and leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) until it completes a comprehensive environmental review of the program under the National...