
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


AWI Speaks Up For NY Horn and Ivory Restrictions

In August, AWI filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in support of a New York law restricting trade in ivory and rhinoceros horn. The 2014 law prohibits the sale, purchase, trade, or...

AWI and Book Publisher Enlist Kids to Save Species

Last May, AWI was honored to partner with HarperCollins Children’s Books on educational materials coinciding with the launch of a new series aimed at 3rd to 6th graders from Newbery Medal–winning author Katherine Applegate. Endling...

National Academies to Tackle Wolf Taxonomy

In an appropriations bill passed in March, Congress directed the USFWS to obtain an independent assessment on the taxonomic status of the red wolf and the Mexican gray wolf—both of which are listed as endangered...

Love and Bananas

Actress Ashley Bell’s first starring role was in a scary movie. For her directorial debut, she turns the camera around to address a real-life horror: the brutal captivity of Asian elephants. But her film, Love...

Thirst for Oil May Finally Despoil ANWR

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a wildlife haven located in northern Alaska that encompasses one of the world’s last remaining intact arctic tundra landscapes. Originally designated as a refuge in 1960, ANWR is...

House Bill Sanctions Surgical Sterilization of Wild Horses

A wide range of equine-related issues have come up in Congress this session, and wild horses in particular have been the subject of considerable deliberation among federal lawmakers. The House Appropriations Committee included language, sponsored...

Chipping Away at the ESA

Both Congress and the Trump administration continue their assaults on wildlife, particularly through efforts to undermine the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Several members of Congress have now packaged together nine bills to dismantle the ESA...