
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


CITES Parties Meet in Sri Lanka to Address Trade in Wildlife

In late May, thousands of government delegates, conservationists, scientists, industry lobbyists, and others will gather in Colombo, Sri Lanka, for the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP18) to the Convention on International...

Taped Turtles Turn Up at Manila Airport

On March 3, customs officials in the Philippines seized 1,529 live turtles that were found wrapped in duct tape and stuffed inside four suitcases in Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport. The suitcases had arrived on...

Wolves’ ESA Protection in Peril

Acting interior Secretary David Bernhardt, in a March 6 speech at the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference in Denver, stated that the US Fish and Wildlife Service plans to eliminate Endangered Species Act...

Forest Service Seeks to Sell Off Wild Horses

Last October, the US Forest Service (USFS)—which manages approximately 8,000 wild horses and burros in the United States—made a shocking announcement: The agency would soon begin rounding up and selling horses from California’s largest herd...

Hawaii Gives Heave Ho to Circus Animal Shows

At the end of 2018, Hawaii became just the second state (after New Jersey) to prohibit the use of exotic animals in traveling shows. On December 21, Governor David Ige signed a new rule, which...

Victory! BLM Stands Down on Sterilization Scheme

In the last Quarterly, we discussed the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to conduct mass surgical sterilization experiments on wild horses from the Warm Springs Herd Management Area in Oregon. Colorado State University was slated...

Wildlife Crime

Wildlife Crime: An Environmental Criminology and Crime Science Perspective is a timely and most welcomed book, but fair warning: It is not light reading! Rather, it is a rigorous university textbook, apparently intended for students...


In his remarkable book, Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter, environmental journalist Ben Goldfarb recounts the impact of the fur trade in decimating a continent’s beaver population, followed by the...

New Jersey Poised to Ban Wild Animal Circus Acts

The New Jersey legislature passed Nosey’s Law (S1093) to ban the use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment in traveling animal acts. If, as expected, the bill is signed by Gov. Phil Murphy, New...

Beaver Institute Solves Conflicts to Save Beavers

by Michael Callahan, president of the Beaver Institute The North American beaver, an often misunderstood and maligned aquatic rodent, builds dams with mud and sticks, which turns streams into valuable wetland ecosystems. Beaver ponds are...