
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Ivory Ban Passes in Illinois

In May, the Illinois legislature passed HB 4843, a bill introduced by Rep. Martin Moylan (D) to restrict the sale of ivory and rhino horn within the state. On August 14, Gov. Bruce Rauner (R)...

Trap Time a Factor in Snared Wolves’ Stress Response

Researchers in Portugal (Nuno Santos et al., 2017) studied the live-capture of wolves for ecological research to assess the animals’ stress response and the potential benefits of reducing the length of time they are held...

Humans Turning Animals into Night Owls

Kaitlyn Gaynor et al., in a study published in Science in June, found that in areas of high human activity, animals are choosing to conduct more of their own affairs at night. Animals in such...

Nontarget Trapping Is Killing Cougars

A study by Alyson Andreasen et al., published in the Journal of Wildlife Management earlier this year, examined the fate of cougars caught in leghold traps and lethal snares set for other furbearers, particularly bobcats...

At Elephants’ Expense, USFWS Sticks to Its Guns

In November 2017, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced it was reversing a 2014 Obama administration ban on the importation of sport-hunted elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia. ( See AWI Quarterly , spring...

The New York Pigeon

Photographer Andrew Garn’s book is a coffee table love letter to a bird that doesn’t always get much love. Garn explains their long history cohabitating with humans. He examines their physiology and development. He talks...

Lion Hearted

Author Andrew Loveridge is a veteran wildlife biologist with many years’ experience working on lion research in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park. Raised in Zimbabwe and educated at Oxford, he’s the biologist who, in 2008, first...

The Great Apes

The Great Apes: A Short History, recently translated from French into English, is a comprehensive history of primatology. Many readers may not know that the roots of primatology lie in the exploits and adventures of...