Baszczak, J. A. 2014. An easy solution for social housing larger guinea pigs in research. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science [AALAS] Meeting Official Program, 565 (Abstract #P61).

The standard microisolation caging for guinea pigs, Cavia porcellus, allows for group housing up to a combined weight of 350 g. However, as mandated by the USDA, research facilities must socially house guinea pigs with compatible conspecifics regardless of size. Lack of appropriate sized caging is not an acceptable reason for single housing a social animal. We investigated purchasing speciesspecific caging that allows for social housing larger guinea pigs, but its use is limited to one species. We have standard cages that allow for housing ferrets or rabbits, but are not suitable for social housing guinea pigs. Other facilities have made attempts at social housing guinea pigs. Unfortunately, the modifications were not user friendly. To solve these issues, we have modified rabbit caging for social housing larger guinea pigs. This easy modification allows for social housing guinea pigs as they increase in size over time and can be modified back to rabbit housing when needed. Sanitization is essentially the same as cleaning a rabbit cage using an automatic cage wash system. In addition, the cage design works well for daily husbandry and clinical observations because animals are easily accessible and the cage provides a less obstructive view. This is a simple inexpensive modification to standard rabbit caging and provides group housing for guinea pigs as they grow.

Animal Type