Social Condition

Includes social housing, social enrichment, social isolation, social buffering, and emotional contagion.

Harley, J. J., Tracey, R., Stanley, C. R. et al. 2024. Management of intraspecific aggression in two bull giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis ssp. Rothschildi). Zoo Biology 43(4), 383–390.

Maintaining nonbreeding individuals in zoological collections may sometimes necessitate housing bachelor groups. In turn, intact cohabiting males may express increased intraspecific agonistic behaviors, and management intervention may be indicated. Where castration is deemed inappropriate (e.g...

Yuan, B., Fu, Q., Wang, X.-Y. et al. 2024. Effects of social group housing on the behavioral and physiological responses of captive sub-adult giant pandas. Animals 14(17), 2545.

Wild giant pandas are inherently solitary creatures, however, the ex-situ conservation efforts significantly alter the living circumstances of their captive counterparts. Following the breeding period, giant pandas in captivity may be maintained in social groups...

Streiff, C., Herrera, A., Voelkl, B. et al. 2024. The impact of cage dividers on mouse aggression, dominance and hormone levels. PLOS ONE 19(2), e0297358.

Home cage aggression in group-housed male mice is a major welfare concern and may compromise animal research. Conventional cages prevent flight or retreat from sight, increasing the risk that agonistic encounters will result in injury...

Oldfield, R. G., Murphy, E. K. 2024. Life in a fishbowl: Space and environmental enrichment affect behaviour of Betta splendens. Animal Welfare 33, e1.

The public has expressed growing concern for the well-being of fishes, including popular pet species such as the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). In captivity, male Bettas behave aggressively, often causing injuries and death if...