Reinhardt, V. (ed.) 2013. Compassion Makes a Difference - Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum [LAREF], Volume III. Animal Welfare Institute, Washington, DC.

This is the third volume of discussions that took place on the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum (LAREF). This forum is dedicated to the exchange of personal experiences of refining the conditions under which animals are housed and handled in research laboratories. Interesting questions and relevant answers and comments were selected that were posted by 88 LAREF members between March 2010 and December 2012.Table of Contents: CATS and DOGS: Environmental enrichment for cats; Environmental enrichment for dogs; Elevated resting surfaces for dogs; Playroom for dogs; Cleaning dog feeders. PIGS: Pair formation of pigs; Encouraging rooting behavior in pigs; Treats for pigs as training tool; Oral dosing of pigs; Multiple blood collections from pigs. SHEEP and GOATS: Environmental enrichment for sheep; Environmental enrichment for goats. COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS: Environmental enrichment for cold-blooded animals. RODENTS: Environmental enrichment for rats; Aggressiveness in single-caged rats; Species-appropriate housing for mice; Bedding and nesting material for mice; Usefulness of the term enrichment; Preferred nesting location of mice; Mouse cage changing; Treating UD [ulcerative dermatitis] in mice; Foraging enrichment for rodents; Shelters for rodents; Wheel-running in rodents; Rodent enrichment - census; Training rodents to cooperate during procedures. RABBITS: Environmental enrichment for rabbits; Housing female rabbits in pairs; Bunny nest; Protected social contact housing for male rabbits; Acclimating rabbits to humans; Oral dosing of rabbits; Recognizing pain in rabbits. PRIMATES: Access to the arboreal dimension for caged monkeys; Play cages/areas for monkeys; Woodchip bedding for indoor-housed macaques; Foraging and feeding enrichment for monkeys; Gnawing sticks for monkeys; Water as enrichment for monkeys; Protecting watering system hoses; Pair and group formation of monkeys; Intermittent pair-housing of macaques; Pair-housing macaques of different species; Oral dosing of monkeys; Preparing monkeys for handling procedures; Monkeys cooperating during procedures without formal training; Monkey see, monkey do; Training monkeys to enter into a transfer box/cage; Training macaques to cooperate during blood collection; Training macaques to cooperate during sedative injections; Training macaques to cooperate during saliva collection; Are male macaques more difficult to train than females?; Treats as training tool for macaques; Training vervets to cooperate during procedures; Training and behavioral pathologies in monkeys; Making use of the quarantine time; Behavioral pathologies in macaques; Touching non-human primates. MISCELLANEOUS: Dealing with repetitive locomotion/movement patterns; Addressing social needs of animals who have a bandage; Radio sounds in animal rooms; Phased lighting in animal rooms; Who is in charge of environmental enrichment?; Environmental enrichment and data variability; Animal welfare and good science; Are scientific benefits balanced against costs to research subjects?; Naming animals in research laboratories; Higher versus lower animals; Are animals aware of themselves?; Do animals have a sense of humor?; Retiring and adopting animals who are no longer needed for research; Human-animal trust relationship; Dealing with emotional fatigue; Communication between animal care staff and investigators; Professional satisfaction.
