
Chiang, A., Haine, S. S. S., Goldring, R. et al. 2024. Comprehensive husbandry protocol for Corydoras catfish and many other Amazonian species. JAALAS 63(5), 472–479.

A variety of fish species have proven instrumental in the investigation of evolution, behavior, ecology, and physiology, among many other fields. Many model systems (e.g., zebrafish, guppies, and three-spined sticklebacks) have been maintained by institutions...

Oldfield, R. G., Murphy, E. K. 2024. Life in a fishbowl: Space and environmental enrichment affect behaviour of Betta splendens. Animal Welfare 33, e1.

The public has expressed growing concern for the well-being of fishes, including popular pet species such as the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). In captivity, male Bettas behave aggressively, often causing injuries and death if...

Carneiro, M. D. D., Medeiros, R. S. de, Monserrat, J. M. et al. 2024. Growth and oxidative stress of clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris reared at different salinities. Fishes 9(1), 30.

Aquaculture of ornamental marine fish is often conducted in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using artificial seawater. Considering the cost of salts to produce artificial seawater (salinity 35‰), we investigated the effect of different salinities (5...