Nonhuman Primate

Schapiro, S. J., Suarez, S. A., Porter, L. M. et al. 1996. The effects of different types of feeding enhancements on the behav

Enrichment techniques designed to encourage captive primates to spend more species-appropriate amounts of time in foraging behaviours have been successful. The present study measured the behavioural effects of four feeding enhancements: two devices (mats and...

Burge, T., Panoussis, B., Weber, H. 1997. Primate housing facilities for pharmaceutical research in Switzerland (an example). Primate Report 49, 19-22.

According to the Swiss Animal Welfare Legislation, the minimal enclosure area for macaques of the size of rhesus or cynomolgus monkeys for experimental purposes is 15 cubic meters. In such an enclosure up to 5...

Crockett, C. M., Bellanca, R. U., Bowers, C. L. et al. 1997. Grooming-contact bars provide social contact for individually ca

We investigated pair housing of adult long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) by using widely spaced, vertical "grooming-contact" (G-C) bars that allow physical contact but prevent pursuit by one animal into the other's cage. Cages with G-C...

Howell, S. M., Miteva, E., Fritz, J. et al. 1997. The provision of cage furnishings as environmental enrichment at the Primate

Results suggest a preference for horizontal furnishings above the enclosure floor. Adults infrequently used 'moving' furnishings (e.g., swinging ropes, hanging tubes, etc...) and seemed to prefer 'stable' horizontal furnishings (e.g., benches, logs) above the enclosure...

Reinhardt, V. 1997. Refining the traditional housing and handling of laboratory rhesus macaques improves scientific methodolog

A monkey housed in an empty cage, however, is literally a behavioral cripple because s/he is chronically deprived of appropriate stimuli for the expression of species-typical behavior patterns. It is difficult to know objectively if...