Nonhuman Primate

Reinhardt, V., Liss, C., Stevens, C. 1995. Social housing of previously single-caged macaques: What are the options and the risks? Animal Welfare 4(4), 307-328 .

A review of the scientific literature gives evidence that transferring previously single-caged adult macaques to permanent compatible pair-housing arrangements (isosexual pairs, adult/infant pairs) is associated with less risk of injury and morbidity than transferring them...

Reinhardt, V., Liss, C., Stevens, C. 1995. Restraint methods of laboratory non-human primates: A critical review. Animal Welfare 4(3), 221-238 .

Published information provides scientific evidence that traditional, involuntary restraint techniques of research non-human primates are intrinsically a source of distress resulting from fear. It has been documented that common methods of enforced restraint result in...

Steen, Z. 1995. Effects of enriched food acquisition on activity budgets of two tamarin species at Adelaide Zoo. International Zoo News 42, 284-298.

Simple bamboo pipe feeder is described and tested in group-housed animals. The aim of the study was to [successfully] increase foraging time with an increasing number of feeding devices [brawn bowl, bamboo pipe]. ... Prior...

Brent, L., Weaver, D. 1996. The physiological and behavioral effects of radio music on singly housed baboons. Journal of Medical Primatology 25(5), 370-374.

The response of four singly caged baboons to radio music was measured using behavioral and physiological indices. Heart rate and blood pressure, measured through a tether system, as well as behavior, were recorded during a...

Kessel, A. L., Brent, L. 1996. Space utilization by captive-born baboons (Papio sp.) before and after provision of structural enrichment. Animal Welfare 5(1), 37-44.

Eight baboon groups (Papio sp.) were observed for over one hundred scan samples both before and after the provision of structural enrichment. Additions to their home-cage included a galvanized ladder suspended horizontally by chains and...