
AWI Quarterly Articles | Companion Animals

Please see the below articles about Companion Animals from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


AWI on the Hill to Testify for Anti-Cruelty Initiative

On March 11, AWI Senior Federal Policy Advisor Nancy Blaney testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies in favor of continued funding for the Department of Justice’s National Animal...

Dog/Human Bond Goes Way Back

A recent archeological discovery supports the notion that humans have considered dogs part of the family - in life and in death - for a very long time. The respectful manner in which a Husky-like...

Trap Near Trail Spells Agony For Pet

"The most horrible sound you’ll ever hear." That’s how Kristi Gatt described the howl of pain and terror her dog made when a steel-jaw leghold trap clamped down on her paw in North Carolina’s Croatan...

Crush Bill Signed

President Obama signed the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act on December 9.

Horse Transportation

In July, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure unanimously approved the Horse Transportation Safety Act (H.R. 305). This bill would make it illegal to haul horses in trailers with two levels, one stacked on...

Crush Videos

Some good news: The Senate unanimously passed legislation, introduced by Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Richard Burr (R-NC), to restore the ban on crush videos (see Summer 2010 AWI Quarterly , p...

Maui Regulates Pet Trade in Fish

On August 24, the Maui County Council voted unanimously in favor of a law curbing reckless reef fish extraction for the aquarium trade, representing the first such regulation in Hawaii.