
AWI Quarterly Articles | Companion Animals

Please see the below articles about Companion Animals from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Protecting Show Horses: DQP System Deserves Disqualification

Under the Horse Protection Act (HPA), representatives (known as “Designated Qualified Persons,” or DQPs) of certified horse industry organizations (HIOs) are authorized to inspect horses at shows and sales and to cite individuals for horse...

Friend or Food? South Korea's Cruel Dog Meat Trade

Every country has its own unique perspective on the relationship between humans and animals. It is all too easy to dismiss the practices of others as illogical or abhorrent. For the typical Westerner, eating dogs...

USDA Closes Loophole in Horse Transport Rules

The USDA has amended regulations designed to reduce the suffering of horses transported for slaughter so as to include horses who are first transported to intermediate collection points.

GAO Study Wastes Time and Tax Dollars

After almost two years and tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars, the Government Accountability Office (GAO ) has released its report, HORSE WELFARE: Action Needed to Address Unintended Consequences from Cessation of Domestic Slaughter with...

Safe Havens Help People and Pets Escape Abuse

At times it may seem difficult to locate the "win/win" in a situation. Not so when it comes to recognizing the link between animal abuse and domestic violence - and using it to combat both.