
AWI Quarterly Articles | Companion Animals

Please see the below articles about Companion Animals from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Scribbles, a Horse that Beat All Odds

Imagine finding your beloved horse on Facebook, in a kill pen bleeding to death with a severed artery, when you thought she was safe and happy in a loving home. That’s what happened to me...

Houston Pair Charged Under Anti-Crush Video Law

In the first case under the 2010 federal crush video law, passed after the Supreme Court struck down a 1999 law against animal cruelty films for being overbroad, the U.S. Attorney in Southern Texas has...

Military Working Dogs Get Brighter Future

On January 2, 2013, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2013 (H.R. 4310), which authorizes the Secretaries of the various military services to transfer back to Lackland Air Force Base...

Heroic “Equipment”?

This past year has brought heightened attention to a very special class of veteran—the Military Working Dog (MWD)—especially when it was reported that an MWD was part of the team that rousted out Osama Bin...

Putting the Hurt on Horse Soring

Building on the public outrage accompanying several high profile prosecutions of horse soring, Reps. Ed Whitfield (R-KY) and Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced legislation to strengthen the Horse Protection Act (HPA).

Soldier Dogs

The reader can’t get past the cover of Maria Goodavage’s book Soldier Dogs—featuring a black Lab in goggles with her head on a camouflaged lap—without uttering an audible “awwww!” From that point on you are...