
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Overhunting Threatens Greenland Narwhals

AWI and more than 30 other animal protection and conservation organizations have called on the government of Greenland to immediately cancel hunting quotas for 50 narwhals from three populations in Southeast Greenland that face imminent...

Eloquence of the Sardine

Eloquence of the Sardine: Extraordinary Encounters Beneath the Sea by Bill François, a French physicist and naturalist, is full of fascinating and thought-provoking information about life beneath the waves. Through science and storytelling, François explores...

Building Back a Better Climate

This is part two of a two-part series. In our previous issue , we described the devastating impacts that a warming planet is having on wildlife and its habitat. Here, we examine initiatives the Biden...

Using Noninvasive Digital Acoustic Tags to Track Florida Manatees

The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirsotris) is an endemic subspecies of West Indian manatee that inhabits inland and coastal waters of the southeastern United States. Its population is threatened by natural and human-generated disturbances, including...

Warming Oceans Threaten Southern Right Whale Recovery

Scientists in South America are studying the recovery of southern right whales after many decades of whaling in the past and ongoing human threats, including entanglement in fishing nets, ship strikes, pollution, anthropogenic ocean noise...

Judge Recommends Waiver to Allow Gray Whale Hunt

In September, the administrative law judge who presided over the November 2019 hearing regarding the Makah tribe’s request for a waiver of the Marine Mammal Protection Act gave his formal recommendation to the National Marine...

Solitary Orca Endures Elder Abuse at Miami Seaquarium

For over 50 years, Lolita (a.k.a. Tokitae, Toki, and Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut), an orca originally captured from the Southern Resident killer whale population, has been languishing as the only orca in a tiny tank at the Miami...