
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Senate Passes Shark Fin Sales Ban

On World Oceans Day (June 8) the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, which would prohibit the sale, purchase, and possession of shark fins in the United States, passed the Senate as part of the United...

Sediment Diversion Plan Puts Dolphins in Danger

Hurricane Katrina in 2005 gave the US coast along the Gulf of Mexico a preview of things to come, as severe weather worsens with climate change. In addition, decades of flood control along the Mississippi...

Indian Ocean Oil Spill Devastates Marine Life

In May, the Singapore-flagged X-Press Pearl container ship caught fire off the coast of Sri Lanka while traveling through the Indian Ocean. The crew was evacuated, and the ship ultimately sank. Over 1,400 containers of...

Florida Manatees Dying in Record Numbers

More Florida manatees have died this year than in any previous year since records began. The cause is primarily starvation due to loss of seagrass beds, according to state officials. The Florida Fish and Wildlife...

Hope Dims as Mexico, WHC Fail to Help Vaquita

The 44 th session of the World Heritage Committee (WHC) was held virtually July 16-31. One issue before the committee was Mexico’s efforts—or lack thereof—to stave off extinction of the vaquita, a porpoise species with...

Dubious Ocean Noise Study Seeks to Corral Wild Whales

AWI has been collaborating with Norway’s largest animal welfare group, NOAH, and Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) to oppose a dangerous experiment on wild minke whales that was to begin in late spring, last several...

“Virtual” Standstill at Caribbean Conservation Meeting

In March and April, AWI marine animal program director Susan Millward and consultant Courtney Vail participated in the ninth meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee to the United Nations Environment Programme’s Protocol Concerning...

Ship Strike Fells Mother and Calf Fin Whales

In May, two dead fin whales, believed to be a mother and calf, were discovered after they dislodged from the hull of a Royal Australian Navy vessel. The destroyer, HMAS Sydney, had been conducting exercises...