
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


AWI at United Nations Ocean Noise Meeting

AWI’s Susan Millward participated in the 19th meeting of the UN Open-Ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, held in June in New York, where the topic was anthropogenic ocean...

Key Court Victory for Vaquita

In March 2018, AWI and allies filed a lawsuit in the US Court of International Trade to force the Trump administration to uphold provisions in the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) that require the US...

Chipping Away at the ESA

Both Congress and the Trump administration continue their assaults on wildlife, particularly through efforts to undermine the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Several members of Congress have now packaged together nine bills to dismantle the ESA...

Trying to Torpedo the MMPA

The picture for marine mammals isn’t entirely rosy, however. After 45 years as the nation’s premier law protecting marine mammals, the MMPA faces several attacks in Congress. Of particular concern are HR 3133, the Streamlining...

Norway and Iceland Resume Whale Slaughter

It appears 2018 will be a deadly year for whales in the northern hemisphere, as both Norway and Iceland have issued their highest whaling quotas in years. In all, as many as 1,287 minke whales...

Bowheads: 100-Ton Duke Ellingtons

The haunting songs of the humpback whale are well known. (They are literally unearthly— phonograph recordings of their communications are currently passing through the outer reaches of the solar system and into interstellar space aboard...

Lesser Protection for Leatherback Turtles?

The Northwest Atlantic subpopulation of leatherback turtles could soon lose important protections under the Endangered Species Act in response to a September 2017 petition filed by the Blue Water Fishermen’s Association. The petition requested that...

Virgin Holidays Invests in Dolphin Sanctuary

Virgin Holidays has pledged $300,000 to support the creation of North America’s first dolphin sanctuary and the move of seven captive dolphins at the National Aquarium in Baltimore to the facility. Last year, Virgin Holidays...

Rare Dolphin Gains ESA Protection

In a response to a 2016 petition by AWI and allies, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) agreed on May 8 to list the Taiwanese white dolphin ( Sousa chinensis taiwanensis ), also known as...