
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Noninvasive Monitoring of Manatees

By Dr. Elizabeth Burgess and Dr. Rosalind Rolland, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, New England Aquarium In 2010, 280 Florida manatees died during prolonged cold weather due to chronic metabolic stress, known as “cold-stress...

Japan’s Sei Whale Trade Declared Illegal Under CITES

In an unprecedented reprimand, the Standing Committee to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has determined that Japan’s use of thousands of tons of meat from endangered...

Scapegoating Sea Lions Won’t Save Salmon

The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) was passed in 1972. Over the years it was amended, but its fundamentally protective nature has remained unchanged. The statute outlawed the killing of any marine mammal, with limited...

Orca Task Force Ignores Actual Solutions

With a current population of only 74 whales—a 30-year population low—southern resident orcas (a.k.a. killer whales) are in crisis. Their primary prey, Chinook salmon, are endangered, and the whales are starving. In March, Washington Governor...

Russia Resumes Beluga, Orca Captures

After a two-year break, Russia has once again issued permits to capture free-ranging orcas and belugas in the Sea of Okhotsk for display in entertainment parks. This summer, rather than taking a more typical 20–30...

Talks Begin on Treaty to Protect High Seas Biodiversity

Members of the United Nations have begun negotiations on the first treaty to manage and protect biodiversity in international waters. These vast areas of open ocean are far from coastlines and vulnerable to overexploitation and...

IWC Recap: Efforts to Curtail Whale Conservation Avoided

In September, AWI took part in the 67th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in Florianópolis, Brazil. The meeting delivered a series of surprises—not least of which was that Japan failed to secure support...

Icelandic Whalers Kill Rare Hybrid Whale

In July, observers perched on top of the hillside overlooking Iceland’s Hvalur fin whaling station noticed that the large whale being dragged up the slipway looked different. The whale was a mottled grayish-blue color and...

AWI Report on Small Cetacean Slaughter Worldwide

AWI has joined forces with ProWildlife (based in Germany) and Whale and Dolphin Conservation on Small Cetaceans, Big Problems , a report that documents hunts of small cetaceans throughout the world. About 100,000 dolphins, porpoises...