
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


SEA Act Drops Anchor on Marine Species

The Marine Mammal Protection Act celebrated its 45th anniversary last year, but a sizable faction in Congress seems intent on dismantling some of its core provisions. On January 10, the House Natural Resources Committee approved...

AWI Files Suit to Save Vaquita

In a desperate attempt to save the last remaining vaquita porpoises, AWI and other groups filed suit against several federal agencies in December. The vaquita, a small porpoise that exists only in Mexico’s Upper Gulf...

Switzerland Bans Live Boiling of Lobsters

The traditional method of cooking lobsters is to boil them alive. In January, the Swiss Federal Council passed a law deeming this practice inhumane and requiring that lobsters and other crustaceans be stunned, rendering them...

AWI Welcomes Increased Clamor over Ocean Noise

AWI has long been involved in the issue of anthropogenic ocean noise directly or indirectly generated by the military, the oil and gas industry, commercial shipping, and scientific research. Marine animals use sound for essential...

Vancouver Aquarium Calls It Quits on Cetacean Display

After many years of resisting the clear trend of history regarding the captive display of cetaceans, the Vancouver Aquarium has finally conceded: On January 18, the aquarium’s management announced that it would no longer display...

Captive Orca Gets Day in Court

On January 23, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, an appeals court heard the arguments of the Free Morgan Foundation (FMF) for revoking the certificate (permit) that allowed the orca known as Morgan to be transferred from...

AWI Sues over Access to Tilikum Necropsy

AWI filed suit in January against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) related to the agencies’ refusal to enforce requirements for SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment to submit...

Shark Lady

Since her first visit to an aquarium at age 9, Clark’s dream was to learn everything there was to know about her favorite animals—sharks. Shark Lady is a story of how one woman overcame misconceptions...

Where the Animals Go

Where the Animals Go is a unique book that contains full-color maps with detailed tracking information for one after another animal species—from whales, elephants, and orangutans to turtles, ants, and plankton.