
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Australia Welcomes New Dolphin Species

Up until recently, it was thought that only two species of bottlenose dolphins existed—the Indo-Pacific and the common bottlenose. But recent DNA tests performed by researchers at Australia’s Macquarie and Monash Universities have revealed a...

Manatee Deaths Rise in 2008

Out of 337 manatee carcasses recovered in Florida last year, 101 were very young calves, compared to the 59 dead calves found in 2007. Though reasons for this increase are unknown, more manatees are also...

The World Beneath

The World Beneath: The Life and Times of Unknown Sea Creatures and Coral Reefs, by Dr. Richard Smith, is a fascinating description of the aquatic life in coral environments. Smith’s engaging narratives concerning a multitude...

South Atlantic Humpbacks Bounce Back

A study recently published in Royal Society Open Science, however, indicates that protections afforded humpback whales over the past half century have helped reverse the decline. The study authors predict that this population may be...

Norwegian Whaling: A Sinking Industry

A recent poll co-funded by AWI and other animal protection and conservation organizations paints a bleak picture for the Norwegian whaling industry’s future. Only 4 percent of Norwegians surveyed said they ate whale meat “often.”

Save the Whales, Save the Planet

As whales go about the business of being whales—feeding, defecating, migrating, and breeding—they provide vital ecological services to the planet. This includes fertilizing the plankton that provide half of all oxygen on Earth and sequestering...

Mystic Aquarium Moves to Acquire Belugas from Canada

Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut, has long displayed beluga whales and conducted extensive research on them. However, the facility has now embroiled itself in a controversial request to import five captive-born belugas from Marineland in...