
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Captive Animals at Shuttered Marine Attractions Left in Limbo

Accredited zoos, aquariums, marine theme parks, and swim-with-dolphin operations—places that naturally concentrate large groups of people—were among the first tourism venues to close their doors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By May, over 90...

Solar Storms Implicated in Some Gray Whale Strandings

Solar storms eject high-energy particles from the sun, which stream toward Earth and disrupt communications systems and the planet’s magnetic field. Researchers at Duke University and Chicago’s Adler Planetarium, reporting in Current Biology , believe...

AWI Offers Reward for Info on Dolphin Killings

At least three dolphins were brutally killed within a year, and AWI is supporting the efforts of local authorities to bring those responsible to justice. In late January 2020, a dead dolphin washed up in...

Shark Fin Sellers Foiled in Florida, Texas

US Fish and Wildlife Service officials seized 18 boxes of dried shark fins at PortMiami in late January. The shipment, estimated to be worth up to $1 million, was believed to have originated in South...

Whaling in Decline: Dr. Holt’s Dream Fulfilled

Japan’s whaling underwent some dramatic changes in 2019, following that nation’s departure from the International Whaling Commission (IWC) after more than six decades of membership: Japan finally ended the pretense that it was conducting “research...

PAW & FIN Conservation Act Introduced

In August 2019, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service finalized three regulatory changes to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that drastically undermine this crucial conservation law. In response, Representative Raúl...

Good and Bad News for Belugas

While the US took a leap toward beluga conservation in October by adding Cook Inlet belugas to the Endangered Species List, the animals remain grossly overhunted in Greenland. The country’s Environmental Infrastructure Ministry declared the...

Compromising the Commercial Whaling Moratorium

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) recently held two meetings of the “Small Working Group on the Future of the IWC,” which was formed at the last annual meeting in Santiago, Chile. Despite civil society being...