
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Fingers Crossed for Famous Orca in Family Way

In 2018, a female Southern Resident orca off the coast of Washington captured hearts and minds around the world with her apparently grief-stricken reaction to the death of her newborn calf, who lived less than...

International Conservation Agenda in Flux amid Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions in place to prevent its spread have had a profound impact on the environment, in positive and negative ways: Greenhouse gases have declined sharply amid reduced industrial output. Commercial...

Rep. Huffman: Ban Drilling near Bear Dens

On July 30, Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) introduced the Polar Bear Cub Survival Act (HR 7876). Polar bears are one of many species facing ongoing threats from the oil and gas industry. As the Trump...

Seven Worlds, One Planet

Seven Worlds, One Planet is a BBC docu-series that wonderfully brings the natural world of seven continents to viewers with beautiful cinematography and narration by the incomparable Sir David Attenborough. Each episode is devoted to...

Night on Earth

Night on Earth reveals the startling activity of the natural world hiding behind the dark curtain of night. From the producer of Plant Earth II, this six-part Netflix series follows nocturnal animals using sophisticated, low-light...

As Sea Traffic Stalls, Oceans Grow Quieter

Ships carry over 90 percent of the world’s trade. Recent research conducted off the coast of British Columbia has found that reduced ship traffic due to COVID-19 shutdowns has led to a reduction in ocean...

Sea Turtles Thriving on Unoccupied Beaches

The nesting season of sea turtles has begun in the Northern Hemisphere. During this time, mother turtles digging nests in the sand are often disturbed by human beachgoers. Newborn hatchlings face similar disturbance when returning...

Okhotsk Orcas Gain Protections

In summer 2018, 101 whales—90 belugas and 11 orcas—were captured in a single operation in the Okhotsk Sea and held in a sea pen complex near Vladivostok, in Russia’s Far East. All of them were...