
AWI Quarterly Articles | Marine Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Marine Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


My Octopus Teacher

Netflix’s My Octopus Teacher is a visually breathtaking film that provides an intimate glimpse into the world of another species. When famed documentary filmmaker Craig Foster found himself unable to feel joy from any of...

Aquarium’s Beluga Acquisition Comes with Restrictions

In October 2019, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) indicated it had received a permit application from Mystic Aquarium to import five captive-born beluga whales from MarineLand in Canada, for the purposes of scientific research...

Protecting Marine Mammals in the Caribbean

AWI participated as an invited expert in the fourth series of meetings of the Caribbean Marine Mammals Preservation Network (CARI’MAM) in October and November. This year’s meetings were held virtually. CARI’MAM comprises marine mammal stakeholders...

Belugas Prosper in Pioneering Cetacean Sanctuary

Little White and Little Grey, two young belugas originally captured from Russia’s Okhotsk Sea and held in a dolphinarium in Shanghai, China, for a decade, are now the first residents in the world’s first cetacean...

Official Decree Would Make France Dolphinarium-Free

In 2017, France’s minister of ecology issued a decree phasing out the captive display of cetaceans through a breeding and trade ban. Decrees in France are similar to executive orders in the United States and...

Scientists Warn of Cetacean Extinction

In an unprecedented statement, 361 cetacean scientists, including AWI’s Dr. Naomi Rose, have signed an open letter expressing grave concern about the risk of extinction of many species and populations of cetaceans due to entanglement...

Back to Briny Sea for Two Captive Belugas

Two captive beluga whales who had been held at an entertainment facility in China have just been given a chance to stretch their flippers in a new sea pen sanctuary. The two 12-year-old females, dubbed...