AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Battle to Protect Canada Lynx Continues

At least 47 Canada lynx have been illegally trapped in Maine over the past decade and despite a designation as threatened on the federal endangered species list, a court has declined to accord lynx adequate...

Court Ruling Offers No Relief For Circus Elephants

Nearly one year after the groundbreaking lawsuit for elephant mistreatment brought against Ringling Bros.' parent company Feld Entertainment, Inc. (FEI) went to trial, the US District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled that...

Endangered Indiana Bats Get Reprieve

In a precedent setting decision, a federal court judge has issued a comprehensive ruling that an industrial wind energy farm in Greenbrier County, WV would kill and injure endangered Indiana bats in violation of the...

Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) has remained steadfast in her determination to end use of inhumane traps in the United States, but has shifted the focus of her legislation to our nation’s refuges.

Pet Safety and Protection Act

In an effort to stop experimentation on illegally acquired dogs and cats, Senator Daniel Akaka (D-AK) and Representative Mike Doyle (D-PA) are again sponsoring the Pet Safety and Protection Act.

Strides Toward Preventing Horse Slaughter

The Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act (H.R. 503/S. 727) now has more than 140 cosponsors in the House and nearly a quarter of the Senate on board. The bill recognizes horse slaughter as animal cruelty...

Keeping Shark Fins on their Rightful Owners

Following passage of the Shark Conservation Act (H.R. 81) in the US House of Representatives earlier this year, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) introduced a Senate companion bill (S. 850) to firmly close loopholes in the...

Justice for Wild Horses and Burros

The Restore Our American Mustangs (ROAM) Act (H.R. 1018), introduced by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) and National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Subcommittee Chairman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), will restore the protections...