AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Banning Crush Videos

On April 20, the U.S. Supreme Court, in United States v. Stevens, handed a victory to animal abusers when it overturned the federal statute (18 U.S.C. §48) prohibiting the creation, sale, and possession of "crush...

Victory! Florida Bans Coyote and Fox Penning

June 23 was a momentous day for coyotes and foxes in Florida, as the state's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) voted unanimously to enact a ban on coyote and fox "penning."

Wind Energy Project Modified for Bats

After the precedent setting ruling by a federal court late last year that an industrial wind energy project in West Virginia will kill and injure endangered Indiana bats, AWI and other parties to the lawsuit...

Lawsuit Filed to Protect Marine Life

In January, AWI and 11 other groups filed suit against the U.S. Navy and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) over the Navy’s planned Undersea Warfare Training...

Senate Bill to Protect Whales

Senator John Kerry (D-MA), a long-standing champion of whales, introduced legislation in early March “to amend the Whale Conservation and Protection Study Act to promote international whale conservation, protection, and research, and for other purposes.”

Steps Taken To End Snake Trade

On December 11, 2009 the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works approved S. 373, a bill "to include constrictor snakes of the species Python genera as an injurious animal" under the Lacey Act, thus...

Poison-Free Poultry

AWI supports Representative Steve Israel’s Poison-Free Poultry Act of 2009, H.R. 3624, introduced September 22, 2009. H.R. 3624 bans roxarsone, an arsenic compound used as a growth-promoting additive to poultry and swine feed, which poses...

Shark Bill Moves Forward

On November 19, the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation committee passed the Shark Conservation Act of 2009.

Appropriations Process

Responding to the National Academy of Sciences report on Class B dealers (see AWI Quarterly Summer 2009), both the House and Senate reports accompanying the bills funding the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for fiscal...