
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Swimming in Circles

Determining the role of a drug or gene on our ability to learn is a truly difficult task. We all learn in slightly different ways. Add in disease states (such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s), or...

Looking Past the Results

Is there something about the blood of a young organism that can improve the health of an older one? Three recent publications from Harvard and Stanford suggest there is such a factor. The notion of...

Twenty Thousand Mutant Mice

A May 2014 editorial in the journal Nature described “a project that aims to mutate every gene in the mouse genome to improve our knowledge of mouse biology,” that “should help avoid irreproducible results and...

Cutting Down Transport Trauma for Animals in Research

Moving animals in research around within an institution is a very common practice. Animals are moved from their housing rooms to laboratories or other locations, such as imaging or surgical facilities. Transportation is inherently stressful...

Chimpanzees in Research Get Shortchanged on Space

On April 4, 2014, in a Notice of Agency Decision, NIH announced its new requirement regarding the minimum floor space required for each of the remaining chimpanzees in NIH-supported research (see Summer 2013 AWI Quarterly)...

Fired Whistleblower Fights On for Animals in Research

In November 2012, the industry journal Lab Animal published an extraordinary profile of licensed veterinary technologist Santina Caruso, entitled “Working with animals is ‘in her blood.’” Why was this feature extraordinary?

Opening Doors

Opening Doors: Carole Noon and Her Dream to Save the Chimps begins with a journey. In 2001, 10 chimpanzees are being cajoled into traveling cages within a trailer truck, bound for a new and decidedly...

Harvard Says "All Fine" After Small Fine

Just months after Harvard stunned the research community by announcing the closure of the half-century-old New England Primate Research Center (NEPRC)—as reported in the Summer 2013 AWI Quarterly—USDA announced that it had fined Harvard Medical...

Another B Dealer Goes Down

The number of remaining “Class B” random source dog and cat dealers selling animals for experimentation in the United States has just been reduced to five.

Class B Dealer Gets a Little Cage Time

Former random source Class B dealers Floyd and Susan Martin—owners of Chestnut Grove Kennel in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania—were back in court on August 26 for formal sentencing on charges of mail fraud (Floyd) and conspiracy (Susan)...