
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Testing Empathy While Showing None

An increasing number of scientists have been proposing that empathetic behaviors are not limited to human beings. They argue that animals are aware not only of themselves, but also of the emotional states of their...

Research Animal Adoption: A Growing Trend

What happens to animals in research, after they are no longer needed for a study? In some cases, the research protocol does not call for euthanasia of the animals. Thus, rather than needlessly killing them...

Maternal Deprivation Studies to Be Restarted

In a highly controversial decision, the animal care and use committee at the University of Wisconsin has approved an NIH-funded maternal deprivation study on newborn monkeys. This study echoes back to the notorious deprivation studies...

Minnesota Makes History

In late May 2014, Minnesota made history by enacting a law that offers greater hope of adoption for dogs and cats in research. The bill was sponsored by the Beagle Freedom Project and authored by...