
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Anniversaries that Are Cause for Consternation

Humanitarians have been waiting for more than a year for action on two egregious situations—both reported previously in the Winter 2013 AWI Quarterly—pending before the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service...

Compassion Makes a Difference

AWI is pleased to announce publication of Compassion Makes a Difference , the third volume of discussions from the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum (LAREF), edited by longtime AWI laboratory animal advisor, Viktor Reinhardt.

NIH to Retire Most of Its Chimpanzees from Research

On June 26, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) embraced nearly all of the recommendations regarding chimpanzees in research contained in the report of the Working Group of the Council of Councils (see Winter 2013...

Harvard Pulls Plug on Primate Research Center

In a stunning move, Harvard University announced in April that it was closing the New England National Primate Research Center (NENPRC). The closure—to be finalized by 2015, with the Center’s almost 2,000 monkeys placed at...

Mice Make Imperfect Models to Study Human Maladies

An article by Gina Kolata in the February 11 New York Times titled “Mice Fall Short as Test Subjects for Some of Humans’ Deadly Ills,” unleashed a maelstrom—from both those advocating alternatives to animals in...