
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Federal Judge Upholds Ban on Elephant Trophies

In April 2014, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it was suspending imports of sport-hunted African elephant trophies taken in Tanzania and Zimbabwe through the remainder of 2014.

Ecuador to Drill in Yasuni NP

In the Summer 2011 AWI Quarterly , AWI reported on the Yasuni-ITT Initiative—whereby the Ecuadorian government sought US$3.6 billion in financial contributions from the international community in exchange for a commitment by Ecuador to forego...

Canned Hunts Continue, But Not Without Challenge

Despite strong opposition, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) continues to administer the captive-bred wildlife registration program to allow for hunting of exotic and endangered animals on US ranches. Hunters pay large sums to...

Convicted Ivory Dealer Sentenced to Prison

A judge in the West Africa country of Togo threw the book at convicted ivory trafficker Emile N’Bouke on June 18, sentencing him to the maximum penalty permitted by Togo law—two years in prison, and...

Pygmy Sloths Slated for Protection Under ESA

Pygmy three-toed sloths ( Bradypus pygmaeus ) may be on track to receive protection under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). Such a listing would help prevent zoos and other US facilities from going abroad...

The Beavers of Popple's Pond

Life seems to fly past, ever more fast-paced and electronic-obsessed, with parents and their kids increasingly sitting indoors communicating via electronic tools. We all but ignore the natural world that is just outside our doors...

AWI Curtails Long Island Deer Cull

It may be hard for modern suburbanites to believe, but deer became so scarce in the early 1900s due to intense hunting that the species would have been considered endangered. That, of course, is no...