
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Drones Deployed to Defend Wildlife

Try as they might, hard-working wildlife officials cannot be everywhere at once. In remote areas, it is a depressingly familiar scenario for such officials to come upon grisly crime scenes strewn with the bodies of...

Rep. DeFazio Introduces Bill to Fight Ivory Trade

Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), introduced the Targeted Use of Sanctions for Killing Elephants in their Range (TUSKER) Act on September 11, a bill to impose trade sanctions...

South Africa to Sell Rhinos

South Africa's Kruger National Park is taking bids from private landowners for 500 of its white rhinos. Newspaper ads advise parties to "make a written offer to purchase white rhinos in batches of 20 or...

USFWS Hibernates on Bat Protection

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has postponed its decision on listing the northern long-eared bat as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) until April 2015. The decision was originally due this past...

A Hippo Love Story

Karen Paolillo’s new book focuses on the lives of a small group of wild hippos, but she also provides a broader look at the lives of wildlife and people in southeastern Zimbabwe. The former is...

AWI and Allies Win Major Court Victory for Red Wolves

The red wolf ( Canis rufus ) has had a perilous journey on the road to recovery. Once distributed throughout the eastern and southcentral United States, intensive predator control programs and habitat degradation drove them...

Protecting Wildlife from Rodenticides

Walk into any hardware store in the United States and chances are good that you can find highly toxic rodent poisons for sale. This includes loose poison pellets in open trays, not contained in any...

AWI Responds to Increase in Wildlife Services' Killing

Wildlife Services, a US Department of Agriculture program with a long history of using taxpayer funds to needlessly kill wildlife, increased its already-enormous take of wild animals last year. The program’s kill statistics have varied...

USFWS Proposes ESA Protection for Endangered Bat

As previous Quarterly articles have reported, white-nose syndrome (WNS) is having a devastating effect on US and Canadian populations of hibernating bats. Some formerly abundant species are now on the brink of becoming endangered. The...