
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Condors Getting the Lead Out?

Endangered California condors in Arizona and Utah are showing a substantial decrease in toxic blood-lead levels—possibly the result of a drop in lead-based ammunition by hunters.

Citizens Speak Up for Mute Swans

In December 2013, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) released a Draft Management Plan for Mute Swans that called for complete eradication of all 2,200 birds from the state of New York by...

2013 Christine Stevens Wildlife Awards

The Christine Stevens Wildlife Award is a grant program—named in honor of the organization’s late founder and president for over 50 years—created to stimulate and support efforts to devise new, non-lethal techniques and strategies for...

Petition to Reform Wildlife Services

In December, AWI and its allies petitioned the Obama administration to reform USDA's Wildlife Services program, which kills nearly 1.5 million animals each year without regard for sound science or animal welfare.

Ill Wind for Bats and Birds

Even clean energy can take its toll on animals if caution is thrown to the wind. According to an analysis by Mark Hayes of the University of Colorado, published in the December 2013 issue of...