
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


AWI Scores Big Win for California Wildlife

Carnivores in California can breathe a little easier, after AWI and allies reached a settlement with the US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program in November that will result in numerous protections for predators and...

House Committee Approves Anti-wildlife Bills

For 45 years, the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) has succeeded in its mission to protect individual marine mammals, as well as entire populations, from harassment, injury, and death due to human activities. Unfortunately, legislation...

AWI Files Suit to Stop Deer Cull on Fire Island

AWI and Wildlife Preserves, Inc., filed suit against the National Park Service and the superintendent of Fire Island National Seashore (FINS) on November 29 over a wildlife management plan that calls for killing many of...

Killing Games

Killing Games: Wildlife in the Crosshairs, a new film produced and distributed by Project Coyote (with some support from AWI), serves as an overview of wildlife killing contests: what they are, why they need to...

Namibia Allows Game Farm to Sell Elephants to Dubai

The Namibian government has granted an export permit allowing a game farm in the country to take five young elephants away from their families and sell them to a safari park in Dubai. The elephants—reportedly...

AWI Sues Wildlife Services in Northern California

On June 21, AWI and allies sued the Wildlife Services program of the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) over the program’s “Wildlife Damage Management” efforts in northern California. The...