
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Border Wall Bad News for Wildlife

Despite widespread opposition and controversy, President Trump’s border wall is moving forward: Just five days after the president took office, an executive order authorizing it was signed. The order attempts to waive federal regulations designed...

Wild Horse Country

Wild horses and settlers of the American west had a lot in common. They were tough, independent, and resourceful, with a deep need for freedom and open spaces. As more people migrated west, however, wild...

Where the Animals Go

Where the Animals Go is a unique book that contains full-color maps with detailed tracking information for one after another animal species—from whales, elephants, and orangutans to turtles, ants, and plankton.

Pair of Pro-Pachyderm Bills Introduced in Massachusetts

Massachusetts is considering two bills that would, together, benefit both captive and wild elephants. H 418/ S 1898, introduced by Representative Lori Ehrlich and Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives, would prohibit the use of elephants in...

Wayne Lotter

Wildlife has lost yet another champion. Wayne Lotter, 51, a vigorous leader in efforts to suppress wildlife crime, was murdered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on August 16. Nearly nine years ago, Lotter joined with...

EPA Approves Immunocontraceptive for Deer Management

The Environmental Protection Agency’s recent decision to approve ZonaStat-D to manage deer populations was all the buzz at the 8th International Conference on Wildlife Fertility Control, held in Washington, DC, in mid-July. Approval of this...

Taking Care of Confiscated Animals: A CITES Solution?

For some wild animals, getting rescued from traffickers is just the start of another ordeal. Nobody really knows precisely how many live wild animals are seized from poachers and smugglers around the world each year...

Vietnam to Banish Bear Bile Farms

This summer, the Vietnamese government agreed to a memorandum of understanding with the nonprofit Animals Asia to finally end bear bile farming in the country. On bile farms, the bears, primarily Asiatic black bears and...