
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Umpteenth Attempt to Undermine ESA

The 115 th Congress has declared war on the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Even though the ESA has a 99 percent success rate in preventing the extinction of listed species and 90 percent of the...

Welcome Outcome for Ocelots

Ocelots may have a better chance at survival in the United States, thanks to a June 26 settlement AWI and the Center for Biological Diversity reached with the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant...

Woeful Welfare for Animals at Arkansas Attraction

An unaccredited, family-run zoo in northwestern Arkansas has run afoul of the US Department of Agriculture over the treatment of its animals. In early 2017, the USDA filed a complaint against Wild Wilderness, Inc., alleging...

The Endangered Species Act and Wildlife Under Assault

An influential faction of the 115 th Congress is expressing a clear animosity toward animal protection measures. Emboldened, perhaps, by an administration that appears sympathetic to their aims, this faction is waging an escalating assault...

Gunning for Gray Wolves

Wolves are still in the crosshairs of some in Congress and state governments. After a federal court lifted endangered species protection for wolves in Wyoming, the state’s Game and Fish Department reported that it plans...

Florida Black Bear Hunt Halted

In 2015, Florida’s black bears suffered an estimated 20 percent population decline amidst the first state-authorized hunt since 1994. In 2016, the controversial hunt was put on hold for a year. This spring, Florida wildlife...

Eagle Rescued from Steel-Jaw Leghold Trap

In 1782, the bald eagle became America’s national bird when its image was emblazoned on the country’s Great Seal. Legend has it that a group of bald eagles circled over a battlefield during the Revolutionary...