
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Cat Tale

Few endangered species sagas are as complex as the fight to save the Florida panther. Journalist Craig Pittman does an excellent job of untangling 50 years of biopolitics, egos, and evolving science in his new...

The Lives of Bees

Surprising to some, honey bees are not native to North America. In the book, The Lives of Bees: The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild, biologist Thomas Seeley writes that the dark...

AWI Contributes to Australian Wildlife Rescue and Recovery

While the images of singed rescued koalas have dominated media attention, many other species are impacted by the Australian fires. Grey-headed flying foxes; platypuses; kangaroos; wallabies; quokkas; northern and southern hairy-nosed wombats; brushtail possums; sugar...

Knitting Nests for Wildlife in Need

The international outpouring of support toward injured and orphaned animal victims of the Australian wildfires has been tremendous. In addition to the generous monetary and medical supply donations, individuals from around the world picked up...

DC Set to Ban Ivory and Rhino Horn Sales

A bill to restrict the sale of ivory and rhino horn in the nation’s capital is poised to pass the DC Council and head to Mayor Muriel Bowser’s desk. A 2017 study by TRAFFIC found...

PAW & FIN Conservation Act Introduced

In August 2019, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service finalized three regulatory changes to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that drastically undermine this crucial conservation law. In response, Representative Raúl...