
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Freedom Moon

For 10 years, the Animals Asia Foundation has made it its mission to rescue and rehabilitate majestic moon bears from cruel bear bile farms in China and Vietnam. In celebration of the many success stories...

Hordes of Pelicans Mysteriously Dying

Scientists and wildlife conservationists are baffled by the sudden malaise plaguing hundreds of pelicans along the California coast this winter. Californians have been calling rescue centers constantly, having found disoriented, exhausted, ill and dead birds...

Exotic Animal Smugglers Busted

Though they’re usually intervening in illegal immigrant and drug trafficking schemes, Chilean officials put the kibosh on a massive illicit shipment of 427 exotic animals en route from Peru to Chile early this year. According...

A Promising Proposal for Wild Non-human Primates

The European Commission proposed a ban on laboratory use of wild-caught apes and monkeys this past November—just short of asking that primate experiments be phased out altogether. “It is absolutely important to steer away from...

Curtailing Mexico’s Exotic Bird Trade

The long-awaited amendment to Mexico’s wildlife law to protect its wild bird populations from exploitation was approved by Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa on October 13. The ban prohibits the commercial or subsistence capture, export...

Pygmy Tarsiers Back from “Extinction”

Believed to be extinct, one of the world’s smallest and rarest primates had not been seen alive since 1921. But an Indonesian scientist expedition in 2000 proved decades of assumptions wrong. As reported by Reuters...

Frogs Identify Predators Before Hatching

Fight or flight. They’re basic animal responses once considered purely instinctual—or perhaps strictly a natural learning process—but they may actually be a combination of the two. According to www.livescience.com , an experiment conducted at Missouri...

Dog Crushed by Illegal Trap

November 15, 2008 is a day that Rich Poska will never forget. While walking his 11-year-old therapy dog—a 55-pound Chinook named Rupert—around the White Deer Golf Course in Vernon Hills, Ill., one sunny afternoon, Poska...

AWI Honors Wildlife Champions

For the past two decades, it has been a tradition at CITES Conferences of the Parties for AWI to present the Clark R. Bavin Wildlife Law Enforcement Award to individuals, organizations, and agencies that have...