
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Continuing Assault on Wildlife Protections

Our country’s vital wildlife protections are facing ongoing attacks that have unraveled decades of progress. In August, two federal agencies proposed yet another change to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulations, the effect of which...

Seven Worlds, One Planet

Seven Worlds, One Planet is a BBC docu-series that wonderfully brings the natural world of seven continents to viewers with beautiful cinematography and narration by the incomparable Sir David Attenborough. Each episode is devoted to...

Night on Earth

Night on Earth reveals the startling activity of the natural world hiding behind the dark curtain of night. From the producer of Plant Earth II, this six-part Netflix series follows nocturnal animals using sophisticated, low-light...

One of Us

In 1977, Barrie experienced the quintessential nightmare for a bear biologist. He surprised a female grizzly bear and was attacked while conducting some of his first work with bears in Yellowstone National Park. He survived...

An Ill Wind Manages to Blow Some Good

Most of the news we receive during the pandemic is extremely dire, and the heartbreak and disruption it has caused and will continue to cause cannot be glossed over. Even so, some wondrous things are...

Colorado Bans Wildlife Killing Contests

In a significant victory, Colorado has banned wildlife killing contests. Such contests are cruel events in which participants kill animals for cash, prizes, and entertainment, often with awards given for the most number of animals...

The Hidden World of the Fox

The Hidden World of the Fox is a concise, yet broad overview of the fox. The author, British mammal ecologist Adele Brand, has been studying foxes for 20 years, and though her primary focus is...