Press Releases

Senate Appropriators Aim to Fix BLM’s Broken Wild Horse Program

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) and the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) applaud the Senate Appropriations Committee for including critical directives in the fiscal year 2022 Interior appropriations bill to protect our nation’s wild horses.

Norway’s Whale Meat Industry Has Gone to the Dogs

Monday, October 18, 2021
Just days after the Norwegian whaling industry announced that 575 minke whales were slaughtered this season (the most in five years) new documents reveal that whalers are struggling to sell the whale meat—and even offloading...

USMCA Commission: Mexico Must Respond on Vaquita Enforcement Failures

Thursday, September 09, 2021
Mexico must respond to allegations that the government failed to enforce protections for the critically endangered vaquita porpoise, according to a decision by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, an environmental review body under the United...

Petition Seeks US Protections for Atlantic Humpback Dolphin

Wednesday, September 08, 2021
Today, the Animal Welfare Institute and other conservation groups petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service to list the Atlantic humpback dolphin under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). Atlantic humpback dolphin populations are in serious...