Atkinson, R. 2016. Do different strains prefer different enrichments? Animal Technology and Welfare 15(2), 133-135.

This study was aimed at discovering if C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice have a preferred type of enrichment. The findings will help identify the right type of enrichment for each strain and ultimately aid in keeping laboratory mice happy and healthy. The results show that both strains used the Perspex house the most with the igloo being used by the C57BL/6J males. Both tube enrichments had similar results and were used the least. The cardboard enrichment was more damaged than the Perspex enrichment by the end of each week. Even though the cardboard enrichment got damaged the most, it did not affect how enriching it was to the mice. It may not be aesthetically pleasing to us but it shows that the enrichment is doing its job and enriching the animals. The C57BL/6J strain prefers an enrichment that they can hide in so the Perspex house and igloos are ideal. The BALB/c strain prefers a cardboard based enrichment, so that they can chew and make it their own. I would also provide each strain with paper wool, as every cage used it and they can perform natural behaviours like nest building.

Animal Type