Forrest, G., Whitfield, L., Thapa, A. 2017. Refining the palpation technique to improve monitoring in the transgenic mouse. Animal Technology and Welfare 16(2), 153-154.

We have developed an accurate method of detecting and monitoring internal ovarian tumours. This reduces the number of procedures, refines the way we detect internal tumours and defines an end point before animals become visibly sick. The problems with the traditional palpation technique are that internal tumours may be difficult to detect because many mice are overweight; mice are stressed when scruffed; and it is difficult to feel higher up the abdomen around the flanks. With our new technique, it is easier to differentiate between fatty tissue and tumour growth; mice are relaxed so it is easier to locate small tumours; the mouse does not need to be restrained as much; the entire abdomen can be checked for better detection of ovarian tumours; and there is a higher level of accuracy.

Animal Type