Weissman-Socci, S., Ray, K. D. 2011. Training rhesus macaques for conscious blood sampling in six steps. Tech Talk [The Newsletter for Laboratory Animal Science Technicians] 16(6), 3.

Step 1 Gently squeeze the animal about halfway towards you. Hold the animal in place for about 1 to 2 seconds.We use this time to talk to the animal calmly in a gentle voice. When the time is up, release the animal and offer it a reward as positive reinforcement. Step 2 Squeeze the animal completely and touch the ear for 2 to 3 seconds. Release the animal and offer it a reward. Depending on how the animal reacts, you may have to repeat this step for several days before moving on. Keep in mind the training should be as stress-free as possible. Step 3 Introduce the alcohol swab. Squeeze the animal, gently hold the ear pinna and attempt to swab it with alcohol. Just like prior days, gently release the animal and offer it a reward. Step 4 Repeat steps 1 through 3 if needed, but avoid steps that have been successfully completed. If the animal is ready to move forward, repeat all three steps for reinforcement. Step 5 After squeezing the animal, wipe its ear with the alcohol swab, dry the ear with gauze, and touch the lancet to the animal's ear. These steps are best completed together. Release the animal and offer it a reward. Step 6 Put all of the steps together to obtain a blood glucose reading. Squeeze the animal, swab its ear with alcohol, dry with gauze, and pierce the pinna with the lancet. Always remember to offera reward, even after the animal is fully trained.
