Biological Sampling

Prentiss, R. L., Bollinger, B. L., Lamont, K. A. et al. 2024. Comparison of novel and traditional bleeding techniques in neonatal and juvenile mice. JAALAS 63(3), 333–342.

Blood collection is frequently used for neonatal and juvenile mice in toxicology, developmental, and immunology studies and is often a terminal procedure. However, the use of nonterminal blood collection techniques, including the submandibular and the...

Cole, J. E., Dadone, L., Rao, S. et al. 2024. Venous blood gas and lactate values in adult giraffe trained for voluntary jugular phlebotomy. Zoo Biology 43(4), 371–375.

Blood gas analyses have previously been performed for giraffe under anesthesia and with physical restraint in a chute; however, reference values for giraffe that are trained to participate in venipuncture without chemical or physical restraint...

George, A. J., Harmsen, B. J., Ford, J. A. et al. 2023. Evaluation of submental blood collection in mice (Mus musculus). JAALAS 62(1), 92–98.

The submental route is an option for nonterminal and serial blood collection in mice. This study compared the submental route to the maxillary route (also referred to as the submandibular route). The study used male...