Hawkins, P., McNeilly, A., Watson, J. et al. 2017. Report of the 2016 RSPCA/UFAW Rodent and Rabbit Welfare Group meeting. Animal Technology and Welfare 16(2), 77-86.

The RSPCA/UFAW Rodent (and now Rabbit) Welfare Group held a one-day meeting on 1 November 2016 at the University of Edinburgh and was attended by 70 delegates. Presentation topics included refinements in blood sampling rodents, reducing suffering in projects involving irradiation, vision in rodents, refinement and reduction via mixed-strain mouse housing, sharing information about good practice, pain assessment in rabbits and ways of achieving human behaviour change to improve animal welfare. The Home Office Animals in Science Regulation Unit also provided some concluding comments. This report summarises the meeting and ends with a list of action points for readers to raise at their own establishments.

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