
AWI Quarterly Articles | Equines

Please see the below articles about Equines from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Horse Protection Bills Gallop Forward

On June 23, both the Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act (HR 3355) and the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act (HR 5441) were unanimously approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Consumer Protection...

Flu Outbreak Fells Wild Horses in Holding Facility

Since April, over 140 wild horses have died from influenza exacerbated by a bacterial infection at a Colorado holding facility in Cañon City in what is thought to be the largest disease outbreak in the...

Donkeys Die by Millions as Ejiao Demand Soars

Donkeys are valued and trusted companions. As working animals, they are essential to many livelihoods. Around the globe, however, donkeys are being killed in unprecedented numbers. “Ejiao” (pronounced “eh-gee-yow”) is a gelatin made from boiling...

Bill Seeks Ban on Wild Horse Helicopter Roundups

Earlier this year, footage of a Bureau of Land Management roundup in Nevada captured a horrifying and tragic incident where a young colt’s leg snapped in half as he was being relentlessly chased by a...

BLM’s Adoption Incentive Program Under Scrutiny

On May 15, the New York Times published an investigation into the Bureau of Land Management’s Adoption Incentive Program (AIP), which pays individuals to adopt wild horses ($1,000 per animal). Some of these horses are...

Equine Protection Measures Advance

The House of Representatives passed two of AWI’s equine welfare priorities as part of the transportation and infrastructure package (HR 3684). One is an amendment banning the transport of equines to slaughter. Led by Representatives...

Ending Abuse of Show Horses

A coalition of 114 representatives and 48 senators recently urged Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to finalize a Horse Protection Act (HPA) rule that would significantly curb the pernicious practice of “soring,” which involves the deliberate...